
Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Easter Proportional Reasoning Review Activity

This is an Easter review activity where students will answer proportional reasoning questions and collect eggs on the Smartboard.  (This is the Easter version to a previous Halloween activity post. If teaching in the spring this context makes more sense otherwise in the fall use the Halloween activity instead at this link - they are the same questions in both activities)

  • illustrate equivalent ratios, using a variety of tools 
  • represent, using equivalent ratios and proportions, directly proportional relationships arising from realistic situations
  • solve for the unknown value in a proportion, using a variety of methods
  • make comparisons using unit rates – solve problems involving ratios, rates, and directly proportional relationships in various contexts using a variety of methods
  • solve problems requiring the expression of percents, fractions, and decimals in their equivalent forms

  • 51 plastic Easter eggs (find at a Dollar store)
  • 2 Easter baskets (find at a Dollar store)
  • proportional reasoning questions
  • solution handout
  • Smartboard
  • Smart Notebook file with score board
  • whiteboard and markers (optional)
  • Easter decorations (optional)
  • prizes for winning team (optional)

  1. Print questions in colour.  Cut out questions and place one in each of the 51 eggs.
  2. Place eggs in an Easter basket.
  3. Bring up the scoreboard on the smartboard.  (Could create your own scoreboard if a smartboard is not available)
  4. Place students is groups and give each student a whiteboard and marker.
  5. Have each group choose an Easter basket from the scoreboard.
  6. One student from the group will come up and choose an egg.  They will bring it back to their group where all members will answer the question inside.
  7. One person will then come and check their answer with the teacher.
  8. The teacher will check off that the group has answered that question.  
  9. The student will then drag an egg to their Easter basket on the smartboard.  Based on difficulty, questions with no eggs on the card students collect 1 egg and questions with  2  eggs on the card students collect 2 eggs.
  10. Have students place the question back in the egg and choose another one.  (Answered questions with egg should be put in a separate basket and put back in circulation when eggs get low.)
  11. The group who collects the most eggs will win.  

Note:  There are some special cards that students will find. I call these the golden eggs (they are not always in yellow eggs but the card is yellow).

The video, below, is only visible in the WECDSB domain. That is, only teachers in our school board can see the video if they are logged into their MyTools2Go accounts.

  • Proportional Reasoning Egg Hunt questions (pdf) (doc)
  • Proportional Reasoning Egg Hunt solutions (pdf) (doc)
  • Egg Hunt scoreboard (Smart Notebook file) (not)
Did you use this activity? Do you have a way to make it better? If so tell us in the comment section. Thanks

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