
Thursday 23 October 2014

How do I compare to Michael Phelps?

When talking about linear relationships and scatter plots, a common activity is to have students measure their various body parts and then compare sets of them to see if there is a correlation. This activity builds on an activity in the TIPS package for grade 9 Applied (Section 3.1.2-4 pg 4). Kids usually like that activity (probably since they get to move around). This is a small tweak to make that activity a little more engaging. In this activity, students compare their arm span, foot size and hand size to some unknown people (arm span is Michael Phelps, foot size is Shaquille O'Neal, hand size is Michael Jordan - yes some still know who he is) and the heights of the tallest and shortest humans (among others).

  • MFM1P, MPM1D – B1.4 describe trends and relationships observe in data, make inferences from data, compare the inferences with hypotheses about the data, and explain any differences between the inferences and the hypotheses
  • MDM4U - D2.3 generate, using technology, the relevant graphical summaries of two-variable data (e.g., scatter plots, side-by-side boxplots) based on the type of data provided (e.g., categorical, ordinal, quantitative)
  • MAP4C - D1.3 generate, using technology, the relevant graphical summaries of two-variable data (e.g., scatter plots, side-by-side boxplots) based on the type of data provided (e.g., categorical, ordinal, quantitative); D1.4 generate, using technology, the relevant graphical summaries of two-variable data (e.g., scatter plots, side-by-side boxplots) based on the type of data provided (e.g., categorical, ordinal, quantitative) 
The material set up for this one is a bit labour intensive. There are some that require taping multiple sheets together
  • Michael Phelps - this is probably the hardest to pull off. We took this image of Phelps and wanted to blow it up so that it's arm span matches his actual arm span of 6'7" (201cm). To do this we changed the contrast so that the face was less recognizable then used the Poster Razer to slice the image up into 8 pieces (this is actually a free program that is great for making large posters out of smaller pieces of paper). We then printed them on 31"x23" poster sheets and then taped them together and laminated them.
  • Shaquille O'Neal - Shaq's feet come in two pieces that have to be taped together
  • Michael Jordan - No special instructions for the hands
  • Height Wall - We have provided for you some samples to include on the height wall, including some really tall and really short ones and some popular culture examples. We encourage you to add your own examples (ones that resonate with your own students). Cut these out to be placed on the height wall for students to see and compare to.
  • Other materials that you will need are measuring devices (metre sticks, measuring tapes etc) 
  1. Prior to students arriving in class, tape the feet to the floor at the classroom entrance, tape the hands on the wall where they will be visible, tape the arm span on the wall so there is room for kids to measure up to it and find a spot to make your height wall. The height wall should have a measuring tape on it (or metre sticks) so students can measure themselves but also stick the sample heights of the famous people on the wall to have students compare to them.
  2. As a Minds On you might want to show this image and ask "How tall would the person be to fit this shoe?"
  3. Students start by completing p. 4 from TIPS.
  4. Students record their measurements on p. 5 and as they circulate they can compare their own measurements to those on the walls and floor. Along the way they can make guesses as to who the mystery feet, hands and arm span are.  
  5. Collect students' data
  6. Ask students to reveal their guesses.  Have them discuss why they chose these people.
  7. Invite students to add there own person to the height wall.
  8. As an extension, you can collect this data in a spreadsheet or online form. We have created a sample Google form (or use this link If you want your own copy, contact us and we will share one with you. Here is a link to the spreadsheet of data. When you use this form be sure to have students put in a unique class identifier so that you can find your class data in our spreadsheet of data.  
  9. You can analyse the data with students using Fathom. (What is the best predictor of your height? Is your foot length the same as your forearm length?)
  10. Some extension material on Michael Phelps can be found in this Smart Notebook file and this documentary called Miracle Body.

  • Scans of the feet and hands (pdf) - note Phelps is light here and you can recognize him
  • Scans of arm span posterized (pdf)  - this is a darker scan of just the arm span pieces.
  • Michael Phelps original image (Dark) (Light)
  • Michael Phelps info File (not) (pdf)
  • Height Wall (doc) (pdf)
  • TIPS Activity (doc) (pdf)
Did you use this activity? Do you have a way to make it better? If so tell us in the comment section. Thanks

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