But that is not the best part. The best part is they have created the Polygraph editor so anyone can create their own Polygraph. So that is what we did. This one is about the characteristics of a Distance-Time graph (or more generally a piecewise linear graph). There are no scales on these graphs so students will have to use general terms but we still think they will be able to relate to these with appropriate questions.
- MFM1P, MPM1D - describe a situation that would explain the events illustrated by a given graph of a relationship between two variables
- Each student needs their own device connected to the internet. A phone will work but the images will be small. You may want to group kids together if the number of devices is limited.
- Go to this link and click on Start a New Session. You will have to log in to start a session but you can do that with your Google account or create your own. This will keep track of how your students responded and you can look at this any time you wish. You will be give a 4 character code that your students type in at student.desmos.com.
- Once students log in they will try a test round with faces (they can skip this once they know what to do) and then as students complete the test round they will be paired up automatically with other students who have finished the test round.
- Instruct students to ask questions as if they were distance-time graphs
- Circulate through your class if there are questions.
- Note that you will need an even number of players otherwise there will be always someone sitting out.

Did you use this activity? Do you have a way to make it better? If so tell us in the comment section. Thanks